Buffington Law Firm’s litigation attorneys often use mediation or other forms of alternative dispute resolution as an alternative to taking a case to trial. Statistically, in California it is said by some authorities that up to 97% of all civil lawsuits settle out of...
Firm News
California Trust Litigation – When the Surviving Spouse Can Amend the Entire Trust
This is the second in a series of Blog posts in which Buffington Law Firm's trust litigation attorneys discuss certain estate planning scenarios that seem to frequently lead to trust disputes and trust litigation. This Blog post will discuss the situation in which,...
California Trust Litigation — “Brady Bunch” Trusts and Why to Avoid Doing One
This is the first article in a series called "Avoiding Trust Litigation." Buffington Law Firm's trust litigation attorneys have litigated hundreds of trust litigation scenarios. There are certain estate planning practices that seem very prone to resulting in unhappy...
Trust Litigation: Proving Incapacity
When trust litigation attorneys examine the factual and legal basis for whether grounds exist to contest a California Living Trust, usually the threshold issue concerns the mental status of the trustmaker ("trustor") when he or she created the instrument to be...
Trust Litigation: Who Owns the Bank Account After the Parent Dies?
An increasingly common issue that Buffington Law Firm's trust litigation attorneys are having to deal with concerns the ownership of parents' bank accounts after the parents have passed away. The best practice is for bank accounts to be titled in the name of their...
Court Intervention to Supervise Administration of Trusts
As discussed in our Blog article last week, although California Living Trusts are intended to avoid Court involvement, once a trust petition activates such involvement, courts have broad equitable powers to issue orders to carry out the court's supervision of the...
No-Contest Clauses in California Trust Litigation
No Contest Clauses are one of the most misunderstood aspects of California living trust litigation. Buffington Law Firm's trust litigation attorneys often deal with situations that involve a "No Contest Clause" and whether or not a given No Contest Clause is...
California Trust Litigation: Removing a Misbehaving Trustee
One of the most common issues that Buffington Law Firm's California Trust Litigation team deals with is the issue of misbehaving trustees of California living trusts, and how to remove them as appropriate. There is probably no more common topic or litigation goal in...
California Trust Litigation: When Dealing with Unreasonable Beneficiaries
Buffington Law Firm's California Living Trust litigation team often deals with situations involving difficult or unreasonable trust beneficiaries. Being trustee of a living trust, particularly once the trust becomes irrevocable, can be a difficult and thankless job...
Taking on a Misbehaving California Living Trust Trustee —Can You Recover Attorney’s Fees?
Perhaps the most common type of California Living Trust litigation involves a misbehaving trustee or successor-trustee. Buffington Law Firm's trust litigation team has dealt with many trust litigation cases involving California Living Trust trustees who fail or...